Lead is a toxic metal that for many years was used in home construction products. Examples of the use of lead in home construction are lead paint and the use of lead in plumbing materials. The use of lead paint in housing was banned by the City of New York and the federal government many years ago.

Lead does not exist only in lead paint and plumbing materials. For example, lead can be found in foods and liquids stored in lead glazed pottery because lead can leach from the containers and lead can be found in some painted toys and furniture.

Lead poisoning can cause serious health problems in both children and adults. Some of the adverse health effects which can be caused by high levels of lead in children are damage to the brain and nervous system, behavioral and learning problems, hearing problems, slowed growth and headaches. Some of the adverse health effects that can be caused by high levels of lead in adults are reproductive problems in both men and women, nerve disorders, high blood pressure and hypertension, memory and concentration problems and muscle and joint pain.

The methods by which lead can enter the body include but are not limited to breathing in lead dust, putting hands or other objects covered with lead dust in the mouth, and eating paint chips or soil that contain lead. Babies and young children are particularly at risk for lead poisoning because they often put their hands and other objects in their mouths.

The Law Office of Richard Stelnik, which is conveniently located in lower Manhattan, offers a free initial consultation to people who have sustained lead poisoning in New York. It handles lead poisoning cases on a contingency fee basis, so there is no legal fee unless a financial recovery is obtained.

If you or a loved one sustained lead poisoning in New York, give the Law Firm of Richard Stelnik a call at 212-964-6430 or use the Online Contact Form form to arrange for a free initial consultation.